Teacher of the month for elementary April was Mrs. Baucom and May was Mrs. Garza.
We appreciate all you do for our students. Gifts were sponsored by Bosque Insurance and United Cooperative

February Elementary Ms. Reiss and March Ms. Childers

February High School Coach Grant Schur and March Coach Teandria Taylor

Shout out to February gift sponsor Baker Insurance and March gift sponsors Paula Mohan with Kelly Realty and Patti Wagner
November’s Teacher Appreciation voted on by the student body was
Ms. Travis – High School
Baskets were donated by Debbie Mize – Mary Kay Consultant
Awards were presented by Chamber of Commerce President Patti Wagner and Director Debbie Mize
And Ms. Hitt – Elementary

Office Hours: Thur/Fri 9-4 / Phones answered M-F 9-4